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Featured business intelligence software Articles
Visualization is needed to have a clearer picture of your business and business intelligence tools are here to help with that. Even though most data can be read and interpreted by numbers, to really bring your data to life you should use visualization tools. The visualization when combined with the business intelligence tools add a […]
The Apple iPad – you’ve seen them everywhere. People use them at the local coffee shop, they are used to order meals at top-end restaurants and you may even have one sitting at your desk. Tablet computers have introduced a new – and more mobile way – to consume data and information. At the same […]
You know that business intelligence management has come a long way, but how do you know you have the right platform in place and that you are capturing the right data to analyze and act upon to build out your strategies? When all eyes are on you, it is important to select the business intelligence […]
Open source business intelligence tools have become the new alternative to traditional licensed software. There are now over 25 open source business intelligence software projects that provide a multitude of tools for businesses today. It began in 2005 when ten new open source business intelligence tools were released. Some were business intelligence suites and some […]